more of an aspiration than a claim

12 Mar 2009

Always Expand Menu in Office

Are you tired of clicking menu options in Office, here is how to auto expand that menu.

18 Dec 2008

The IIS Admin service terminated with service-specific error 2148073478 (0x80090006)

Fixing the IIS Admin service terminating with error 2148073478.

25 Sep 2008

Configuring .NET FTPS in FtpWebRequest to Ignore the Proxy Settings

Here are some tips on how to configure FTPS for .NET using the FtpWebRequest object and ignore a proxy

7 Nov 2007

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor

Fixing java.lang.NoSuchMethodError org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor error

7 Nov 2007

Hibernate And Database Views (MyEclipse View Generation)

View generation in MyEclipse with Hibernate

13 Jul 2007

Access Denied Error: MOSS 2007 Sharepoint Designer

If you get Access Denied Error in MOSS 2007 Sharepoint Designer, try this tip.

26 Apr 2007

Drupal Multi-site Configuration Tips

Tips on how to run multiple sites with Drupal.

10 Apr 2007

Delete Old Unwanted Code - Don't Leave It Commented Out Or Uncalled

Tip to delete unwanted code when programming.