more of an aspiration than a claim

17 Jun 2011

Click or Command Event not Firing on ASPX Page

Tip for click or command event not firing in an ASPX page.

8 May 2014

Cloud Source Code Backup with Wuala

I tried setting up a source code sync to the cloud to reduce the change of losing code.

4 Sep 2011

Could not load type ... from assembly 'System.Web profile...

System.Web could not load type and how to fix it.

10 Apr 2007

Delete Old Unwanted Code - Don't Leave It Commented Out Or Uncalled

Tip to delete unwanted code when programming.

15 Jul 2005

Error LNK2005: already defined in LIBCMT.lib

Error LNK2005 already defined in LIBCMT.lib

27 Mar 2007

Essential And Best Programming Tools To Install On Your Development PC

Programming tools that you mind find useful to install.

19 Jul 2004

Programming Reminder List

Some Programming Reminders when developing.

27 Nov 2004

Software Project Common Mistakes

Tips about common mistakes in software projects.